ZOTAC GAMING ZONE - How to change virtual memory settings and paging file for my ZONE? | ZOTAC
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ZOTAC GAMING ZONE - How to change virtual memory settings and paging file for my ZONE?

Earlier ZONE units may encounter an issue related to virtual memory, which might severely impact the ZONE's overall system speed. You can quickly check and fix this issue (if present) by following these steps on your ZONE:

1. Press Windows + R or type "Run" in the start menu search bar to open the Run dialog box.

Type sysdm.cpl and press Enter. This will open the System Properties window.

2.In the System Properties window, go to the Advanced tab. Under the Performance section, click on Settings.

3.  In the Performance Options window, go to the Advanced tab. Under the Virtual memory section, click on Change.

4. Modify the Page File Settings: Check Automatically manage paging file size for all drives if it's unchecked. Click Set.

5. Restart the Computer: Click OK to apply the changes. You may be prompted to restart your computer. Click Restart Now for the changes to take effect.


If the problem persists after these steps, please contact customer support.


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