ZOTAC Technology Limited, with registered office on 19th Floor, Shatin Galleria, 18-24 Shan Mei Street, Fotan, New Territories, Hong Kong, is the sponsoring company of the Zotac Cup Europe Giveaway.
To participate you must be resident in the territory of geographical Europe, Middle East, Africa, India
The Giveaway will start on December 16, 2021 and will end on December 22, 2021.
The recipients who wish to participate in the Giveaway will have the right to participate by registering in the mentioned timeframe; after this deadline, participation in the Giveaway will no longer be allowed.
Sweepstakes: awarding of prizes by random drawing of the winners.
The Giveaway is aimed at promoting knowledge and promoting ZOTAC products and its web and social channels, as well as the events organized by the same.
All adults and those over 13 at the time of registration can participate in the Giveaway. Individuals between the ages of 13 and 18 may participate only with the consent of those exercising parental responsibility, under penalty of exclusion from the Giveaway.
These subjects (hereinafter also "Recipients") to participate in the Giveaway, during the period indicated in art. 3), they will have to fill in the appropriate Giveaway registration form which they will have access to through:
a) the zotac.com website;
ZOTAC reserves the right to carry out all the activities necessary to verify the possession of the requirements to participate in this Giveaway at any time and to exclude those who do not have them.
Recipients will view the advertising of the Giveaway and will have the opportunity to open the form to fill out to register; to register, they must enter the data necessary for their identification required in the appropriate form, read the information on the processing of personal data, accept these Regulations and follow the additional instructions provided in the form or via e-mail from ZOTAC. By doing so, the Recipients will become participants in the Giveaway (hereinafter also just "Participants").
The following cannot participate in the Giveaway: minors under the age of 13, minors between the ages of 13 and 18 without the appropriate authorization of the exercisers of parental authority, the employees of ZOTAC, its consultants and all those who in any capacity have contributed to the realization of the Giveaway.
Each Participant will be able to register for the Giveaway only once and may therefore have the right to be awarded only one prize. In the event that the same person has participated in the Giveaway through different e-mail addresses or fictitious names, he will be excluded from the Giveaway and no prize will be awarded, in compliance with the provisions of these Regulations.
The prizes up for grabs for each draw are listed:
• 1st extract: n. 1 PC ZOTAC MAGNUS ONE Barebone ECM53060C incl. VIPER GAMING SSD & RAM (indicative value $ 2.000.00);
• 2nd extract: n. 1 ZOTAC Merchandise Goodie Bag (indicative value $ 50.00);
• 3rd extract: n. 1 ZOTAC Merchandise Goodie Bag (indicative value $ 50.00);
• 4th extract: n. 1 ZOTAC Merchandise Goodie Bag (indicative value $ 50.00);
• 5th extract: n. 1 ZOTAC Merchandise Goodie Bag (indicative value $ 50.00
• 6th extract: n. 1 ZOTAC Merchandise Goodie Bag (indicative value $ 50.00
The total value of the prizes thus identified is equal to the indicative amount of $ 2,250.00 = (two thousand two hundred fifty dollars); each prize cannot be substituted and cannot be converted into money or into different goods or services even if of lower value.
All those who register for the Giveaway in the above mentioned timeframe, will have the opportunity to participate in one or more of the prize draws up for grabs according to the mechanics indicated below. Participation in the Giveaway is optional and free, subject to the costs necessary for Internet access which remain the responsibility of each Participant.
The mechanics of the Giveaway are as follows:
1) There are n. 3 (three) extractions;
2) On the occasion of each draw, n. 3 winners (Winners), to whom the prizes will be awarded in order of extraction, and n. 5 reserves, to which the prizes will be awarded in case of rejection of the prizes by the winners drawn, of non-correspondence of the identity of the same when it is verified, of violation of the rules indicated in these Regulations
3) Each Winner can be awarded only one prize; once the prize has been awarded, the Winner's name will be deleted from the Participants database and the same will no longer be able to participate in the Giveaway (not even by making a new registration);
4) Registrations will open on December 16th, 2021 and will close on December 22th, 2021; the opening and closing times of registrations may be subject to changes and will always be promptly indicated on the zotaccup.com website and on the other channels indicated in point 6)
5) Calendar of the draws: to participate in each draw it will be necessary to have registered, filling in and registering using the appropriate form, as per the following calendar; Entries made after these deadlines will be valid for the next draw.
6) The extractions will be carried out using a computer program of random extraction based on an algorithm that is perfectly random and non-violable and which will extract the names of the three Winners and those of the five reserves for each extraction;
7) in case of express refusal of the Winner or in case of non-assignment or lack of request within the terms as governed by these Regulations, the prize will be assigned to the first reserve in order of extraction;
8) All duly registered subjects will be able to participate in each drawing, according to the calendar indicated above, with the exception of those who have already been awarded a prize in one of the previous draws;
9) The awarding of prizes is in any case subject to the Participant's compliance with the provisions of the following paragraph and the positive outcome of the checks carried out by ZOTAC. Otherwise, these prizes will be assigned to the reserves, in compliance with the criteria indicated therein, or devolved to the ONLUS identified below;
10) The name of the Winner will be communicated in the days following each draw on the zotaccup.com website and / or on ZOTAC's social platforms and channels.
1) Within fifteen days of each draw, as described in the previous point, each winner drawn will be contacted by e-mail, at the addresses indicated by the same during registration for the Giveaway, informing them that they have been drawn winner.
2) Through the communication via e-mail, ZOTAC will send each winner the document, to be filled in and signed by the same, or by subjects exercising parental authority, containing the declaration of acceptance of the prize, in which the winner drawn must also indicate the delivery address of the prize. The prize will be sent by courier, therefore Participants are invited to indicate their address correctly from now on;
3) ZOTAC will also ask each winner drawn to send the aforementioned document within fifteen days of receiving the communication, under penalty of forfeiture and re-assignment of the prize to the reserves. This document must be sent by e-mail to the address indicated by e-mail by ZOTAC, following the instructions provided, together with a valid identification document (front / back);
4) After receiving the documentation from the winner drawn, ZOTAC will verify the documentation received and the identity of the same;
5) in the event of a positive outcome of the verification and in the absence of violations of the rules contained in these Regulations that could lead to their exclusion, ZOTAC will confirm to the winners drawn the right to the awarding of the prize and will remove the name of the winner. from the Participants database;
6) in the event of a negative outcome of the verification, and / or in the presence of a violation of the rules contained in these Regulations, and / or in the event of failure and / or incomplete sending of the communication by the winner drawn within the established terms and / or in if the prize is refused, the winner drawn will be excluded from the Giveaway and will lose the right to the definitive awarding of the prize;
7) upon the occurrence of one of the hypotheses envisaged in the preceding point, ZOTAC will draw another name from the list of reserves, following the order in which the reserves are drawn, and will carry out the communications and checks provided for in the preceding points until the actual assignment of the award to a winner;
8) the activity described in the previous points will take place following each draw, as per the calendar indicated in these Regulations until all prizes are awarded, and in any case no later than January 30, 2022. Any prizes not awarded by that date , will be donated to the ONLUS;
9) once the activities described above have been carried out, including the positive outcome of the aforementioned checks, by 28 February 2022 the prizes will be sent to the winners at the address indicated by them, or to the designated NGO.
During the Giveaway, Participants must recognize and respect the authority of ZOTAC and any person in charge of it and consequently abide by their decisions and indications.
ZOTAC at each stage of the Giveaway, reserves the right to exclude Participants in the event of:
a) violation of the rules referred to in these Regulations;
b) mismatch with the requirements for participation in the Giveaway;
c) communication of untruthful data during the registration phases;
d) failure to comply with the indications and / or decisions of ZOTAC and / or of the persons in charge of it.
The Software will extract the data of the winners from among those of the Participants, in compliance with the provisions of these Regulations. In particular, we certify that:
- the operation of the software and the collection and processing of data carried out through it takes place in compliance with the provisions and criteria set out in this Regulation;
- the data thus collected through the software cannot be tampered with or altered by third parties and therefore the public faith and equal treatment of the Participants are guaranteed.
Participation in the Giveaway is free.
In case of awarding of the prize, the Participant may in no case obtain the reimbursement of the same, nor the replacement of the prize with a prize of equal or different value.
In any case, the normal cost of connecting to the Internet, as well as any hardware and software equipment necessary to participate in the Giveaway, remains the responsibility of each Participant.
The prizes will be delivered by sending them to the shipping address communicated when registering for the Giveaway or in the subsequent stages of assignment.
Taking into account that the communications relating to this Regulation will take place via e-mail, the Participant will be required to check the correct functioning of the e-mail address provided during registration.
In this sense, ZOTAC assumes no responsibility in the event of a failure of the Participant's mailbox, as well as if, by way of example but not limited to:
1) the e-mail box is full;
2) the e-mail indicated by the Participant during registration is incorrect or incomplete;
3) there is no response from the host connected to the winner's e-mail address used after sending the notification e-mail of the win;
4) the e-mail is disabled and / or unreachable at any time during the Giveaway period (by way of example and not limited to: inactive mailbox during registration, deactivated or expired after registration and / o in the awarding phase, etc.);
5) the e-mail address indicated during registration is included in a blacklist;
6) the e-mail address of ZOTAC and the e-mails sent by the same are entered in the Participant's spam box. In this sense, it is recommended that the user also consult the aforementioned section of the e-mail box communicated during the registration phase.
Please note that in the event of failure to comply with the costs and terms set by the Participants when registering for the Giveaway, as well as within the procedure for awarding the prize, the same will be excluded and will lose the right to receive the prize, which it will be reassigned to the reserves previously identified by ZOTAC.
Unsolicited and / or unassigned prizes will be donated to the Yabboq ONLUS Social Cooperative, Via Europa n. 3, 20097, San Donato Milanese (MI), tel. 02-91988772, e-mail:
[email protected]; website:
In the event that the aforementioned ONLUS does not accept unsolicited or unassigned prizes, the Promoter will identify another ONLUS to which the prizes will be donated, also taking into account the nature of the prizes and the purposes specifically pursued by the organization.
Personal data will be processed by ZOTAC in compliance with the 2016/679 European Regulation ("GDPR") and in accordance with the privacy policy provided when registering for the Giveaway.
The owner of the processing of personal data is the company ZOTAC Technology Limited.
Personal data will be processed exclusively by the persons appointed for this purpose by the Data Controller and competent for carrying out the activities necessary for the proper management of the Giveaway.
In case of failure to indicate personal data whose conferment is mandatory for the correct participation of the interested parties in the Giveaway, according to the provisions of the Regulations, it will not be possible to participate.
The processing of personal data may be carried out with and without the aid of electronic tools.
The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain from the Data Controller confirmation of the existence or otherwise of the same data and to know the content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration, updating, rectification, cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their processing.
ZOTAC or third parties appointed by the same may exercise, at their own discretion, the right to use the name, images, videos and statements of the Participants for promotional purposes on any media and without prior notice and / or without the payment of any compensation.
The Personal Data of the Participants may be used to send news to Participants and / or advertising material in relation to the Giveaway and its development, including the awarding and delivery phase of the prizes and, in case of consent by the Participant, also for send him promotional communications relating to ZOTAC products.
For all information, please refer to the complete Privacy Policy.
The Participant who, according to the unquestionable judgment of ZOTAC or third parties appointed by it, has participated in the Giveaway fraudulently or in violation of the Regulations and the normal course of the initiative, will not be able to receive the prize won in this way.
ZOTAC, also through third parties appointed by it, reserves the right to proceed, within the terms deemed most appropriate and in compliance with current legislation, to inhibit or limit actions aimed at making illegal accesses to its IT systems, to circumvent the system and / or the software or in any case to engage in fraudulent attempts.
ZOTAC reserves the right to carry out the necessary checks to ascertain the regularity of participation, including, by way of example, the correctness of the data indicated by the Participant.
ZOTAC is not responsible for any defects or malfunctions of the hardware, software or connectivity equipment of the Participants that prevent or limit the connection to the Internet (by way of example but not limited to: malfunction or difficulty concerning the technical tools, the computer, the mobile telephone line and / or fixed, cables, electronics, software and hardware, transmission and connection, internet connection, etc.).
In any case, ZOTAC cannot be charged with any responsibility for any connection interruptions not attributable to it and / or due to force majeure.
Furthermore, ZOTAC assumes no responsibility towards each Participant if the same indicates incorrect or incomplete data (for example, incorrect indication of the e-mail address or its inclusion in a black list, etc.), in compliance with what is indicated in the previous articles.
ZOTAC reserves the right to modify, even partially and at any time, the modalities of participation in this Giveaway, giving adequate notice, not introducing pejorative changes and safeguarding the rights already acquired by the Participants.