The ZOTAC CUP eSports tournament platform has seen a surge in player sign ups. But why?......
Watch all the fun videos and photos from PAX East 2020!......
Starting in April, we’re going to host tournaments on the Brazil, Latin America (South), a......
How can we cope with being too comfortable or stuck at home with kids, pets and many other......
ZOTAC Technology is proud to announce that the Red Dot Design Award 2020 has recognized ZB......
February is a day longer this year and lucky for you guys, that meant one more extra speci......
ZBOX PRO, ZOTAC embedded solutions, came back to ISE this year with another grand showcase......
Streamers and gamers around the world try out the latest ray tracing titles with our RTX p......
New year, new decade, new set of ZOTAC CUPs! ......
We kicked off the year with two amazing events in Las Vegas and Leipzig, reveling in the a......
ZOTAC Technology is excited to expand the ZBOX Mini PC universe and debut a new product se......
December was full of holiday cheer and friendly competition for ZOTAC CUP featuring our ho......
We have a brand-new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare game and a set of community tournaments f......
Check out some of the coolest PC Mods at Asia's largest Lan Party! ......
Consider the type of games you mostly play and match-up an appropriate graphics card. ......
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