ZOTAC MAGNUS ONE desktop PC with Core i7 and GeForce RTX 3070 in review
Actually playing games on this was a joy, to the point that we struggled to find the motivation to even finish this review; desktop operation is as slick as you'd expect from a machine of this caliber, though our choice to put in a SATA SSD likely hampered its transfer speeds, and we would absolutely favour adding a good M.2 drive if you were making the choice.
| ZOTAC MAGNUS ONE desktop PC with Core i7 and GeForce RTX 3070 in review:
PCM - HK ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3070 AMP Holo Review - Best Performance 作為 ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3070 Ti 中最高型號, RTX 3070 Ti AMP HOLO 不論效能及散熱方面均較 NVIDIA Founders Edition 為強,為用家提供升級之選。 | ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3080 Ti AMP HoloBlack Review - Gold
La Zotac GeForce RTX 3080 Ti AMP Holo es la apuesta tope de gama enfocada a jugadores que Zotac nos ofrece. Equipada con el disipador IceStorm 2.0 de triple ventilador y carenado Holo, se postura como uno de los modelos estéticamente más llamativos del mercado. Este mantiene las temperaturas y a la sonoridad a raya teniendo en cuenta la potencia de esta tarjeta, la cu
PCM Hong Kong ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3080 Ti AMP HoloBlack Review - PCM Rating: 4.5/5 分 - Best Performance
ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3080 Ti AMP HOLO 維持一貫的水平,其 1710MHz Boost Clock 設計可提升效能,而且 IceStorm 2.0 先進散熱系統也表現稱職,筆者曾以此卡連續跑 5 小時 Benchmark 而沒有不穩定的情況。
| ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3080 Ti AMP HoloBlack Review - Gold 5/5 stars
Pour conclure sur cette ZOTAC RTX 3080 TI AMP HOLO, nous n'allons pas tarir de bonnes choses. La carte semble robuste et bien finie. Les amateurs de RGB ne seront pas en reste, tant la carte brille de mille feux. Les performances sont là et la carte est surtout à l'aise avec la 4K, et tout ça dans un silence assez bluffant, tout en gardant des températures correctes. Et surtout une garantie de 3 ans qui peut être amenée gratuitement à 5 ans. Donc si nous voulions chipoter, nous dirions que la carte est encombrante : 32 cm de long tout de même, mais si vous avez cette longueur, les 65 mm d'épaisseur ne gêneront pas le placement en ITX puisque les équerres ne sont que de deux slots. Attention tout de même 65 mm, c'est épais. Mais hormis cela et une garantie qui saute en cas de démontage, nous trouvons cette RTX 3080 Ti bien réussie.
| ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3080 Ti AMP HoloBlack Review - Highly Recommended It seems Zotac favored low temperatures over noise levels. I would like a better balance. What really helped Zotac with their cooler is that the card operates very efficiently. Unlike other cards, there is no loss in energy efficiency vs. the NVIDIA reference design. Actually, the Zotac has better efficiency than NVIDIA's FE, which means less heat output and the cooler not having to work as hard to get rid of the heat. To put things into perspective, the EVGA RTX 3080 Ti FTW3 Ultra consumes 436 W during gaming and the MSI Suprim X 405 W, while the Zotac RTX 3080 Ti makes do with 348 W. These 50 W are almost 15%, which a big difference when cooling is considered. With Ampere, NVIDIA introduced idle fan stop on their Founders Edition, which makes fan stop a mandatory capability for custom designs, too. In idle, during desktop work, internet browsing, and light gaming, the Zotac RTX 3080 Ti will turn off its fans completely for the perfect noise-free experience. | ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3060 AMP White Review: | ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3060 AMP White Edition Review: | ZOTAC GAMING GeForce RTX 3060 AMP White Edition Review: |
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