ZOTAC GAMING ZONE - A driver error occured when I was playing a game with a message saying that I have low VRAM. | ZOTAC
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ZOTAC GAMING ZONE - A driver error occured when I was playing a game with a message saying that I have low VRAM.

By default, the ZONE allocates 4GB out of its 16GB memory as video memory. While this is enough in most cases, some games or settings may benefit from more video memory overhead. This can be done in the One Launcher by going into the "Performance" Tab. However, please understand that adjusting this setting does not always lead to performance improvements and may even have negative effects on your gaming experience.


If that did not resolve the issue, you can try the following to see if they resolve the issues:

- Lower texture, shadows or other memory-intensive settings in the in-game settings.

- Update to the latest AMD drivers through the AMD Adrenaline Edition Software.

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